The Deep Dive

Exploring what lies beneath the surface, uncovering the hidden depths of untold stories.


22: Discovering Reality: Embracing the Space Between

In this episode of The Deep Dive, we explore the concept that reality is found in the spaces between. We delve into the philosophical and metaphysical implications of the 'in-between', examining how the intervals and pauses in life hold profound significance and offer a deeper understanding of existence.

Discovering Reality: Embracing the Space Between

The space between is where you find reality.

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, we often focus on events, milestones, and tangible outcomes. We celebrate beginnings and endings, successes and failures, joys and sorrows. Yet, it is in the spaces between these moments—the pauses, the transitions, the silent interludes—that we may find the truest essence of reality. The idea that 'the space between is where you find reality' invites us to shift our attention from the obvious to the subtle, from the external to the internal, and to explore the profound significance of the in-between.

This concept resonates with various philosophical and spiritual traditions that emphasise the importance of the present moment and the spaces that connect experiences. In Zen Buddhism, for example, the concept of 'ma' refers to the negative space or the gap between things, which holds equal importance to the things themselves. 'Ma' is not merely an absence but a dynamic space full of potential and meaning. It is in these intervals that awareness blossoms and deeper understanding emerges.

Similarly, in music, the rests and pauses between notes are as essential as the notes themselves. Composer Claude Debussy famously said, 'Music is the space between the notes.' Without these spaces, music would be a cacophony of sounds without rhythm or harmony. The silences create structure, evoke emotion, and allow the melody to breathe. This analogy can be applied to life, where the spaces between actions and events provide context, reflection, and meaning.

The 'space between' can also be interpreted as the gap between perception and reality. Our minds are constantly interpreting sensory information, but there is always a space—a moment of potential—between stimulus and response. Viktor Frankl, a neurologist and psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust, wrote, 'Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.' This space is where conscious choice resides, enabling us to act with intention rather than react impulsively.

In interpersonal relationships, the space between individuals is where connection and understanding occur. It is in the shared silence, the unspoken communication, and the empathetic resonance that relationships deepen. By paying attention to these subtle dynamics, we can foster more meaningful connections with others.

Moreover, the space between can represent the transitional phases in life—the periods of uncertainty, waiting, or transformation. These are times when we may feel suspended between what was and what will be. While such periods can be uncomfortable, they also offer opportunities for introspection, growth, and redefining our sense of self. Embracing these transitions allows us to navigate change with grace and to discover new aspects of our identity and purpose.

From a metaphysical perspective, the concept challenges us to look beyond the material and the measurable. Quantum physics introduces the idea that particles exist in a state of probability until observed—a phenomenon known as superposition. The space between certainty and possibility is where reality manifests. This suggests that reality is not fixed but is influenced by observation and interaction, highlighting the importance of the spaces where potential resides.

Practically, embracing the space between involves cultivating mindfulness and presence. By becoming more aware of the moments between activities, the pauses in conversations, and the silence in our minds, we can tap into a deeper sense of reality. Meditation practices encourage focusing on the breath—the continuous flow and the pauses in between—as a way to anchor ourselves in the present moment.

Additionally, creativity often flourishes in the spaces between conscious thought and subconscious insight. When we allow our minds to wander, to rest in the gaps between focused tasks, we open ourselves to inspiration and innovation. The 'aha' moments frequently occur not when we're actively seeking solutions but when we give ourselves space to let ideas percolate.

In a societal context, recognising the importance of the space between can lead to greater empathy and understanding. By acknowledging the complexities and nuances that exist between polarised viewpoints, we can find common ground and foster more inclusive dialogues. The ability to navigate the grey areas, rather than clinging to black-and-white thinking, enriches our collective reality.

In conclusion, the assertion that 'the space between is where you find reality' encourages us to pay attention to the often-overlooked aspects of our existence. By embracing the intervals, transitions, and subtle spaces in our lives, we open ourselves to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Reality is not solely constructed by the events and objects we perceive but is profoundly shaped by the spaces that connect them. In these spaces, we find the essence of being, the potential for growth, and the true texture of life.